Why should you create a favicon for your brand?
Favicon is one of the internet terms that everyone heard of but since it’s not something essential like “antivirus” or “browser”, not many users actually know what is favicon and whether you actually need it or not.
Luckily, you have LogotypeMaker and we’re ready to tell you what’s a website favicon, how to create a favicon, what are the benefits of using it and how to add favicon in HTML, so you could get the most out of this tiny picture. Let’s get to it!
What is favicon and does it even matter?
In a nutshell, the favicon is a small icon (usually a company’s logo or the first letter of the brand’s name), which is used to differentiate the particular website from the others. While browsing the web, you can see favicons in several places:
1. In the address bar
Note: not all browser support this function
2. In the tab bar next to the website’s name
3. In the address bar drop-down list
4. In a bookmarks toolbar
5. In the search results
Note: not all search engines support this function
Now, when you know what favicon really is and where it’s located, you may wonder: “Do I actually need to create a favicon? Is it that crucial? What happens if I decide not to add favicon to website I own?”. The thing is, a favicon is not an element the website can’t function without. Which means, if you decide not to make favicon at all, your website still will be out there and the people will visit it. However, you’ll lose some of the perks of actually having a favicon.
If the website doesn’t have a unique favicon design, there are two things that may happen. The page will either have a generic favicon borrowed from the CMS it’s using or will have no favicon at all (just a white sheet pic next to the page’s name).
So, if you’re ok with having a generic symbol instead of the design piece that could increase your website’s traffic, you may not create a favicon. But if you’d like to improve your SEO, get more visitors and increase brand awareness, just keep reading! LogotypeMaker will tell you everything you need to know about how to make a favicon and what type of benefits you will get!
Why should you create a favicon and what will you get?
Once you’ve seen some cool favicons and some not so successful favicon examples, it’s time to list some of the perks of having a favicon.
Quicker identification
Imagine yourself in the middle of the workday. You have a bunch of stuff to do, you have meetings to visit, and reports to complete. So, probably, you’ll have several browser windows open with 15-30 tabs each. Yep, we’ve all been there. And now think of getting the access to one particular tab that you need. Which one are you going to find faster: the one with a memorable favicon or the one with just a page name on it?
Let’s just face the fact that pictures are more effective than words are. And by adding a tiny favicon to the website you’ll make the identification process a lot easier for all the users out there. Which leads us to the next favicon perk….
Better UX and SEO
Create a favicon and your website’s UX will become better. It’s easier to find a website in the tab bar, in a bookmarks toolbar, and in the address bar drop-down list when it has a noteworthy picture attached to the link. Which means, the users will bookmark and revisit the website more often. All these things are good for SEO, so eventually you’ll end up higher in the Google’s search results.
Increased credibility
Favicon may be a tiny detail but it shows your business attitude like no other. If the website has a generic icon or no icon at all, it reduces the users’ credibility as the website seems unfinished, amateur, and abandoned. On the other hand, if you’ve spent some time not only to create a favicon but also add it to the website’s code, it proves you care about your web presence and attracts customers to you. In other words, the favicon is a professionalism indicator and you better have it.
The higher level of brand awareness and stronger brand image
Just like a logo, a favicon is a picture that triggers associations with your brand. Day by day it shows up in the tab bar and in the bookmarks toolbar, each time reminding the user of your company or your product.
The user may not even visit your website on a daily basis but the more often (s)he sees your favicon, the stronger ties with your brand it will build. And it won’t cost you a dime!
How to create favicon online if you’re not a designer?
The times when you had to hire a professional designer to create a favicon and then pay a web developer to add favicon HTML are now gone. Nowadays you can do it all on your own and without spending the astronomical sums!
All you have to do to create a favicon is to use the modern favicon maker. There are plenty of options on the web but LogotypeMaker is by far the most profitable one. With LogotypeMaker you get not only a favicon but also a logo for your business in various different formats (for your website, for printing, for your email etc.), images for all the popular social media platforms and much more.
Our logo/favicon is user-friendly and pretty intuitive. You just choose a category that works for your business, browse through the logo/favicon gallery and pick a template you like. After that, you modify the template via the online editor and save the final version or your logo and favicon. Download all of the images + useful guidelines in one archive and add it to your server. And our amazing premium package makes it even easier! once you choose it, create a logo, and download the zip package with all the images and bonuses in it, you’ll find a perfect favicon in there! It will have the appropriate size and format, so you’ll have to upload it to the server and your favicon is ready to go!
How to install favicon?
For a static website or webpage
To actually add the favicon appear on your static website you can use the link with rel attribute containing the favicon’s graphics format, your website’s URL, and the favicon’s file name. For example:
<link rel=”icon”
<link rel=”shortcut icon” type=”image/png” href=”http://yourwebsite.org/perfecticon.png“/>
For Wix website
All premium Wix users can upload a favicon to their website using the Wix dashboard (“Upload favicon” function).
Note: You need to buy and connect domain first.
For WordPress website:
Click here to find out for easy ways to upload favicon to your WP website. They will work even if you don’t have experience with managing the CMS. You can also add a favicon to WordPress using a PHP function if you are an experienced WordPress user.
That’s it! You’ve managed to create a favicon and add it to your website! We knew you’d make it! And if you still have questions regarding favicons, don’t hesitate to comment below or reach out to LogotypeMaker at Twitter, Facebook or Instagram at @logotypemaker and our team will be there for you.