To cancel a logo subscription, follow the steps below:

Step 1

Open subscriptions management page ( top right menu ).

Step 2

Find the subscription you want to cancel and click the arrow to the right to expand subscription details.

Step 3

Cancel your logo subscription by clicking the “Cancel” button and confirm the action.

Step 4

After cancellation, you will see the “Expire” date near your subscription. This means that you can still use all logo plan features (modify, download, …) till that date and your subscription will NOT be renewed anymore.


* When subscription will expire your logo will NOT be deleted and you will be able to subscribe to a different plan in case you’ll need to update your logo in future.

* Email Signature and Embed Code will be deactivated when subscription will expire.

If you have any difficulties with the subscription cancelation please contact us and we will be glad to help you!