How to create your own unique logo
So, your business or a side hustle needs a fresh beautiful logo and you want to at least try to create it on your own? Props to you, because it’s both smart and cost-effective! To make the whole process easier we’ll go together step-by-step to reveal all the secrets and tricks you can use to make your self-made logo look as fabulous as if it was designed by the most luxurious agency. And we promise, it’s super fun! Maybe after trying this guide out you’ll turn a logo design into a hobby of yours. Who knows… So let’s get to it!
Step 1
Jump into our homepage and click the “Get started” button on top of it. It’s big and blue, we took care that no one can miss it. One click and you’ll be redirected to the multifunctional logo generator. This is the page where you can browse through thousands of templates and pick one (or several of them) that actually fit your vision and design preferences.
Take your time, you’re in the land of beautiful logos! Enter your company’s name or a brand name in the field on top of the page. All of the templates in the search results will now have it and you’ll be able to see how the brand name looks on a certain design.
Try different fonts (from classic serifs to avantgarde decorative typefaces) and don’t stop until you’re 100% happy with what you see on the screen. Don’t worry, LogotypeMaker has a lot of tricks up its sleeve and will not disappoint you.
Please, note: The field is register sensitive. Use Caps Loсk to get the company name in capital letters.
Step 2
If you feel lost in this deep sea of stunning logos, you can search for the perfect template using one of the following methods:
Select the preferred category in the list on the left corner of the page. LogotypeMaker has 36 of them for every business industry and design concept.
Click “Generate more logos”. Each click will show you more designs to choose from. Repeat until something great catches your eye.
Please, note: You can use the “Generate more logos” button both within the specific category and to browse through the whole gallery.
Several search options will make the template selection easier and quicker. Let’s say you need a vegetable store logo. So instead of looking through thousands of designs that don’t match your business needs you can jump right into the “Nature and Ecology” category and find a nice template that suits your brand in a matter of minutes. And the keyword search is perfect for those who know exactly what type of logo they’re looking for (e.g. a bio logo).
Step 3
Change the background color of the templates using the paint bucket button in the left menu.
And if you’ve suddenly changed your mind and want a different color or a transparent background file, you can always change it back in the logo editor even if you’ve already downloaded the final design. And it’s free! Can you imagine?
Step 4
Add the templates that appeal to you to your personal wish list. Hover over the logo and click “Add to wish list”. It’s as simple as that!
Please, note: All the logos you’ve added to the wish list will show up in the special list. You can scroll through it and add/delete templates anytime you want. We do not going to limit your creativity, so you can add as many logos as you need. Even if it’s 500, 1000 or 10 000!
Step 5
When you have finally chosen a template that you truly enjoy, it’s time to edit! Hover over the logo and click “Edit”.
See, the first editing step is so easy even a baby can do it. The rest of the process won’t be harder, mark our words.
Step 6
Once you’ve clicked the “Edit” button, in a second you’ll find yourself within online logo editor. This is your canvas where you can customize the logo and make it unique, make it yours. The great thing about this editor is that it allows you to change every tiny aspect of the design: color, shape, font, graphic effects etc. So, don’t be afraid to experiment!
Please, note: You can always replace the template with a new one in the “Gallery” tab. You can search for the new design by the category or by browsing through the whole gallery.
Step 7
Don’t be afraid of doing something wrong and messing up the whole design. Our editor got your back! You can undo or redo every single step in your design journey. Just use the buttons on the left of the page.
These buttons have no limit for e.g. “3 previous steps”. You can cancel basically all the changes you’ve made and then bring them all back. Your artistry is safe with us.
Step 8
Let’s start with changing the text to make the company name pop! It’s super simple, you know. Just click on the text you’d like to change and pick the most beautiful font from the dropdown list. It’s quite large, so you may need some time to pick your winner.
Please, note: If you want to change the text, you can do it by editing or entering the new text in the field above the fonts list. Let’s add the second text row “open every day” to the current company name.
Step 9
If there’s an extra word you need to remove or a text you’d like to copy, you can do it with one click! Right above the text input field you’ll find five cute icon buttons. They are (left to right): Duplicate, Visible, Layer up, Layer down, and Delete.
To make things work just click on the text and press the icon button. That’s it! And if you’ve somehow pressed the wrong one, always remember about the magical “Redo” feature, it will fix the things up immediately.
Please, note: you can change the placement of the text just by dragging it. Let’s put the “Vegetable” on the top and the “Market” on the right of the logo. And, of course,“Grab & Drag” works not only for text but for every element, every layer, every piece of the logo.
Step 10
Who says the text can be only one color? Let’s break that rule right now! Go ahead and experiment with the advanced color options in our logo editor. “Linear”, for instance, creates a beautiful gradient. And you can either set the colors yourself or click the “Random” button a few times and see what the artificial intelligence has to offer. Yes, the AI choices may be unexpected but they’re beautiful. And it’s so fun just to quickly click the button and watch all the colors of the rainbow flashing before your eyes!
To choose the color duo for a gradient just click on a color drop on the left and select the preferred hue. Repeat for the color drop on the right.
Please, note: Different color angles can change the direction of the gradient. Try changing the angle to come up with something stunning.
Step 11
Now, when the colors are all set, let’s give our text some edge. On the bottom of the menu you’ll see options like “Drop Shadow” and “Inner Shadow”. Try them on your text (remember, you can always undo the changes you don’t like).
The “Inner Shadow”, for instance, is great for adding some volume to the text. Turn on the “Inner Shadow” switcher and click on the “Adjust” menu that will show up.
Move the “Opacity” and “Blur” sliders and check how the color changes. For example, if you want the hues to be darker, move the “Opacity” to the right.
If during some time you can’t really tell the difference between the latest changes, click “Undo/Redo” several times and watch the logo change. That really helps to determine whether you’re moving in the right direction.
Step 12
Now, it’s time to customize the picture itself to make your logo truly unique. Choose the “Logo” tab in the menu on the right and you’ll see all the options available for you.
Again, don’t fear all those sliders and buttons. They are not as scary and complicated as they seem. Actually, moving all those sliders and changing all those numbers is quite thrilling.
Please, note: Every element of the logo has a separate layer and you can customize each part of the design switching from one layer to another just by clicking on them.
For example, in our “Vegetable Market” logo the leaves are Layer 1-3 and the green circle is Layer 4.
Step 13
Let’s change the color of the cat and add the extra to the design by inserting a suitable clipart. The color change process is identical to the one you’ve already tried for the text section. So, you’re already can call yourself a logo creation master. And to insert a clipart click on the “Gallery” tab and then on the “Add clipart” button on the top. After that just select the image you think will work for your logo.
As we’re making a “Vegetable Market” logo, let’s add a vegetable icon to our design.
Step 14
As you can see, the chosen clipart will show up on the side of your canvas. The new layer will be added on the “Logo” menu so you could customize the clipart just like all the other design pieces.
Let’s change the color of the carrot. Cool and easy, isn’t it?
Step 15
We’re almost done! Now you can check how your logo design looks on different backgrounds. Choose the “Settings” tab in the menu on the left and pick the background. It can be transparent, solid color, linear or radiant gradient.
Please, note: You can also incorporate pictures or cliparts from your computer into the design. Just use the “Uploads” button for that. You can even experiment with your own photos if you’re feeling extra artsy.
Well, that’s about it! As you can see, just 15 simple steps are between you and your dream logo design. You can create your own logo. It’s not a rocket science, really. And it will look just as amazing and brilliant as the logos pricey agencies design. Remember, you have all the talents and creativity to do it right. And if you ever need help or a professional advice, we will be there for you 24/7. So hit that “Get started” button and just go for it! Your new business logo is just 15 steps away!